Hey, I’m Shannon Swanson.

A therapist of 20 years and health coach certified in hormone health and personal training. Basically, I’m actually qualified to help you shift from feeling unworthy, fearful and fed up with your situation to a badass woman ready to fearlessly curate a life you’re obsessed with.

You see, it’s not only my clients who’ve been through traumatic experiences. I’ve been through them too.


So, who the hell am I right?

Raised in a strict Catholic family by an emotionally abusive mother and a father who didn’t want me, I know how past trauma can affect our future lives and the stories we tell ourselves.


I’ve been through a recent trauma, too, living through the most painful year of my life when my relationship with my husband of 22 years fell apart.  Panic attacks, anxiety and hypothyroidism followed.


So I’ve been where you are — going from a planned and familiar life to not having a damn clue where I was going. Forced to take it day by day, step by step. Just to survive. 


And it’s what drives me to help people like you. I don’t just talk the talk. I’m as real as it gets with this stuff. No B.S. So, if you'd rather be wrapped in cotton wool and told you're always right, this might not be for you.

If youā€™re anything like I was, you:

  1. Hate change. You find it too difficult and are deeply afraid of it. And that’s why the key is to start small, then build the confidence and trust that it can be done.
  2. Feel unworthy and undeserving of all you desire. But that’s a lie. That’s the crap others have projected onto you. But you’re human, and having pain is human, reacting from wounds and triggers is human. It has zero to do with worthiness. You are not broken. 
  3. Feel like you have nothing to offer of value (relationships & career). Others have created those stories out of their trauma. You are what's inside, but you’ve disconnected from that. (And I’m here to help you rediscover it.)
  4. Have a fear of rejection, being judged by family/friends for going after what want. That fear is just an illusion, though. It might not feel like that right now. But it doesn't matter what anyone thinks when you’re living life for yourself instead of everyone else 
  5. Think it's selfish to choose yourself over others. Look - let’s get real, the life that you want is not selfish. That’s what jackasses tell you when they want to control you.

That doesnā€™t have to be your reality, though. Me and dozens of other people Iā€™ve helped move to living for themselves are living proof.

I can help you understand how to let go of the need for people-pleasing, so you can start making choices for yourself to live the life you actually want.


Discover what's possibly standing in the way of moving forward & choosing yourself.


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